John I cisco-nsp at moe.co.uk
Wed Oct 10 16:33:05 EDT 2007

Hi Kevin,

> Try bumping up to a later 12.1E.
> This had cropped up twice on the same switch for me, the 
> first time TAC recommendation was to reseat the module, the 
> second time it was to swap the chassis. Prior to having time 
> to schedule a fully chassis swap, bumped up to 12.1(27b)E1  
> from 12.1(26)E1 and errors haven't cropped up since. 
> Additionally, despite the scary sounding message, I don't 
> think we ever saw any evidence of something actually broken 
> as a result...

I too had the suggestion of reseating the module on the cisco forum.  I
agree with you in that the machine still seems to be processing packets fine
and no evidence of problems.

I will give the newer IOS a try and see if that helps as it did for you.

Thanks for your suggestion.


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