[c-nsp] Verizon TLS

Jason Berenson jason at pins.net
Fri Aug 15 22:38:25 EDT 2008


I'm curious to get some input from everyone about Verizons TLS service.  
What do you think of it?  What kind of hardware do you use at your edge 
and at the CPE.  Example configs?

We have a GigE connection at the core and order 100M circuits with 
whatever size EVC we require for the customer.  I use rate limiting on 
the customers ethernet interface.  A basic /30 serial between us and 
them and a static route in both directions.

I have seen some strange things happen.  This is a forklift upgrade for 
one customer that's going from 2 T1s to 10M TLS.  When I had them 
connect our TLS router to their public switch things went nuts on the VZ 
side of the circuit (2500PPS) and stayed at around 100PPS on the 
customer side.  This doesn't make much sense to me considering the T1 
router has no problems and it's not like we're connecting a switch on 
our side to a switch on their side and causing a loop somewhere, there's 
a router at both ends.  I originally suspected VZ as the problem but 
eliminated that idea by connecting a laptop directly to the customer 
hand off.  The core router is a Cisco 7206VXR and the CPE is a 2651XM.

When he connected a switch with no VLANs on it things quieted down a 
bit.  It's pretty obvious his switch is causing a problem but why it has 
issues with the TLS and not the T1s is beyond me.

Here's a quick diagram:
7206VXR ---------TLS-------- 2651XM ------- Public switch ------- 
Firewall ------- LAN

CPE config:

interface FastEthernet0/0
 desc TLS side
 no ip address
 speed 100
interface FastEthernet0/0.xxx
 encapsulation dot1Q xxx
 ip address
 (rate limit to 10M)
 no cdp enable
interface FastEthernet0/1
 ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
ip forward-protocol nd
ip route

Core config:

interface GigabitEthernet0/3
 no ip address
 duplex full
 speed 1000
 media-type gbic
 negotiation auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/3.xxx
 encapsulation dot1Q xxxx
 ip address
 no cdp enable
ip route

Any input would be greatly appreciated.


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