[c-nsp] 6500 autoboot intermittent failures

Jon Lewis jlewis at lewis.org
Mon Jan 7 13:50:14 EST 2008

While testing out some sup720 upgrade parts, I've run into something 
strange.  About 10% of the time, after a reload, I'll get the following 

System Bootstrap, Version 8.5(1)
Copyright (c) 1994-2006 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Cat6k-Sup720/SP processor with 1048576 Kbytes of main memory

Autoboot executing command: "boot 
Loading image, please wait ...

monlib.open(): Open Error = -35
loadprog: error - on file open
boot: cannot load "disk0:s72033-advipservicesk9_wan-mz.122-18.SXF12.bin"

System Bootstrap, Version 8.5(1)
Copyright (c) 1994-2006 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Cat6k-Sup720/SP processor with 1048576 Kbytes of main memory

Autoboot executing command: "boot bootflash:"

disk0 is a 1GB CF card.  The rest of the time, it boots up properly. 
I've been repeatedly reloading this sup720-3bxl for the past 45 minutes, 
and haven't discovered any pattern or reason for this behavior.  Google 
and cco searches for "monlib.open(): Open Error = -35" give no results. 
What does this error mean?

I see from 
that there was a similar sounding issue fixed in sp rom-mon 8.5(1) where 
booting from a 512MB CF might fail.  Is 512MB the largest size CF cards we 
should be trying to use in the sup720-3bxl?

  Jon Lewis                   |  I route
  Senior Network Engineer     |  therefore you are
  Atlantic Net                |
_________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________

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