[c-nsp] 6509 power supply question

Alexandre Snarskii snar at paranoia.ru
Fri May 23 06:36:55 EDT 2008

On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 11:51:50AM +1000, Jarrod Friedland wrote:
> Hi All
> We have a 6509 with 2 x 1300W power supplies? rephrase we had :) - anyway,
> one of the power supplies has died, we are sourcing a replacement however,
> in the meantime I have another 6509 sitting next to me however it has 1800W
> power supplies.
> The question
> Can I run a 6509 with 1 x 1300W and 1 x 1800W (redundant)? Are the issues
> with doing this we should be aware of? I have asked this question of cisco
> integrators however all we get is "The engineers have put their heads
> together and say NO"

We running different power supplies on one of our 6509 for years,
no problems with that configuration: 

Switch#show power
system power redundancy mode = redundant
system power total =     2331.00 Watts (55.50 Amps @ 42V)
system power used =       584.22 Watts (13.91 Amps @ 42V)
system power available = 1746.78 Watts (41.59 Amps @ 42V)
                        Power-Capacity PS-Fan Output Oper
PS   Type               Watts   A @42V Status Status State
---- ------------------ ------- ------ ------ ------ -----
1    WS-CDC-1300W       1153.32 27.46  OK     OK     on 
2    WS-CAC-2500W       2331.00 55.50  OK     OK     on 

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