[c-nsp] ASR / IOS XE: CEF load-sharing algorithms changed?

Elmar K. Bins elmi at 4ever.de
Wed Nov 5 07:24:48 EST 2008

Re again,

I am running into trouble with the CEF load sharing algorithm
on the ASR / IOS-XE platform. We've had this kind of setup
with 7301s for four years now, and it's never given us any
trouble. Distributed traffic pretty evenly (whenever it was
not only one or two top-talkers hitting us).

With the new ASR / IOS-XE (1.1.2 currently, but I have found
nothing in the release notes of later versions) traffic
distribution has become in favour of the server with the
lowest IP address - very much so. It's getting 85% of all

The setup in brief (all IPv4):

z.z.z.z =                   Service address

a.a.a.a, a.a.a.b, a.a.a.c = Interface addresses of three servers,
                            a<b<c; these serve as next-hops
a.a.a.d                   = Interface address of the ASR

External routing gets z.z.z.z to the ASR.

               +--------+             ----(a.a.a.a)-[srv1]
(Internet) --- | Router |-(a.a.a.d)---+---(a.a.a.b)-[srv2]
               +--------+             ----(a.a.a.c)-[srv3]

z.z.z.z is the only target address, all external traffic goes there,
and it does go to a specific port. This is a DNS setup, so we can
also assume that 99.9% of the protocols seen is UDP/53.

Routing on the Router is as follows:

rt#sh ip route static
ip route z.z.z.z a.a.a.a
ip route z.z.z.z a.a.a.b
ip route z.z.z.z a.a.a.c

rt#sh ip cef z.z.z.z
  nexthop a.a.a.a GigabitEthernet0/0/3
  nexthop a.a.a.b GigabitEthernet0/0/3
  nexthop a.a.a.c GigabitEthernet0/0/3

rt#sh run | i cef
ip cef load-sharing algorithm tunnel 000FFEED

On 7301s, typical distribution is 3:4:3 or something like that.
On the ASR I see 10:1:2 (on srv1:srv2:srv3).

This did change immediately through the replacement of the 7301 by the ASR.
My colleague tells me, we have not one but several (like a dozen) top
talkers (out of several million), just like before the router swap.

What could cause this phenomenon?

  1. Traffic pattern has changed.
     -> my colleague denies this

  2. The tunnel balancing algorithm (which to my knowledge includes
     source/dest IP addresses _and_ ports) has been altered.

  3. The tunnel balancing algorithm (which to my knowledge includes
     source/dest IP addresses _and_ ports) is now buggy.

Experiment 1

Changing the algorithm to "include-ports source".

Did not change the traffic pattern a bit. I didn't expect a
change, since AFAIK it would do the same as the "tunnel" algorithm.

Experiment 2

I added a.a.a.d to srv1, a.a.a.e to srv2 and a.a.a.f to srv3 and 
the appropriate routes:

rt#sh ip route static
ip route z.z.z.z a.a.a.a
ip route z.z.z.z a.a.a.b
ip route z.z.z.z a.a.a.c
ip route z.z.z.z a.a.a.d
ip route z.z.z.z a.a.a.e
ip route z.z.z.z a.a.a.f

rt#sh ip cef z.z.z.z
  nexthop a.a.a.a GigabitEthernet0/0/3
  nexthop a.a.a.b GigabitEthernet0/0/3
  nexthop a.a.a.c GigabitEthernet0/0/3
  nexthop a.a.a.d GigabitEthernet0/0/3
  nexthop a.a.a.e GigabitEthernet0/0/3
  nexthop a.a.a.f GigabitEthernet0/0/3

This changed the distribution pattern from 10:1:2 to a somewhat
better 5:1:2.

It still shows a strong favouring of the server with the smallest
IP address.

Experiment 3

I removed the z.z.z.z -> a.a.a.d route, so that Server 1 would
only have 1/5 of the routing table pointing to it, while Servers
2 and 3 get twice as many slots in routing and forwarding table.
I'll spare you the cef output here.

This changed the distribution pattern - not at all, at least not

I wonder what I have stumbled onto here, and whether someone around
or at Cisco knows about a change in the algorithms that would lead
to such an effect.

I would also be very interested in some paper that really explained
the load-sharing algorithms, since everything one can find about the
tunnel algorithm is:

"The tunnel keyword sets the load-balancing algorithm to one
 that can be used in tunnel environments or in environments
 where there are only a few IP source and destination address
 pairs. "

I appreciate any help - the server is still holding, but it's
really bad Karma, and I'd like to find a way to do my L3 poor
man's load balancing in a working fashion.


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