[c-nsp] 6509 sup 720 + export map

Rakesh Hegde rakeshh at gmail.com
Thu Nov 6 11:58:56 EST 2008

Thanks for the input.


On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 4:27 AM, Oliver Boehmer (oboehmer) <
oboehmer at cisco.com> wrote:

> Tim Franklin <mailto:tim at pelican.org> wrote on Wednesday, November 05,
> 2008 10:03:
> > On Wed, November 5, 2008 6:24 am, Oliver Boehmer (oboehmer) wrote:
> >
> >> if I recall correctly, we can't filter/drop routes in VRF export-maps
> >> (we can in import-maps).. you could set "no-advertise" or a bogus
> >> route-target extcommunity to prevent it from being advertised to your
> >> RRs/remote PEs or from being imported into other VRFs.
> >> If you don't want to export a certain VRF prefix, just don't
> >> redistribute it into BGP (if it's a non-BGP route to begin with).
> >
> > Or don't set the export-target that should only be on *some* routes
> > in the VRF config, just set on the matching routes in the export-map.
> ack, this would work as well.
> > I'm
> > not sure, off the top of my head, what happens if you have a VRF with
> *no*
> > export-target defined in the VRF config, but an rt ext-community set
> > on some routes in the export map - does the redist from 'local' BGP
> into
> > MP-BGP still happen?
> yes, and if you don't set an rt-extcomm in the export-map, the prefix is
> left without a RT.
> > I know there are some gotchas in the other
> > direction; even if you're matching an RT in the import map, you still
> > need  it as an import target, or the prefix is dropped before it gets
> as
> > far as the map.
> right, this is due to the automatic route-target filter which only
> examines the "route-target import" statements in the VRF, not the
> route-maps.
>        oli

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