[c-nsp] BGP Route Selection

Jon Lewis jlewis at lewis.org
Wed Sep 10 00:40:35 EDT 2008

On Tue, 9 Sep 2008, Gregory Boehnlein wrote:

> 	I'm bringing up a new BGP peer and am working at tweaking our BGP
> routing configuration. In doing so, I'm noticing something weird about a
> particular path, and since I'm rather tired at the moment, wanted to have a
> fresh set of eyes take a look at it. Can someone explain to me the reason
> why Path #3 is being chosen over the lower AS-Path #1 and #2 routing
> choices?

Path 3 has localpref 150, which "overrules" the shorter as path at 
localpref 100.  You're probably using an input route-map and setting this.

  Jon Lewis                   |  I route
  Senior Network Engineer     |  therefore you are
  Atlantic Net                |
_________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________

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