[c-nsp] Problems bringing up BGP session

james edwards lists.james.edwards at gmail.com
Wed Apr 1 12:44:04 EDT 2009

I moved the BGP session to a new router for my Quagga route server. It was
working before the move but now it comes up,
the RS gets all the routes and in ~5 mins. the session goes down. This looks
like bug  CSCsv33977. I can't apply the workaround
as I do not have the command "dont-capability-negotiate":

Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
edge-router1(config)#router bgp 22523
edge-router1(config-router)#neighbor ?
  activate                 Enable the Address Family for this Neighbor
  advertise-map            specify route-map for conditional advertisement
  advertisement-interval   Minimum interval between sending BGP routing
  allowas-in               Accept as-path with my AS present in it
  capability               Advertise capability to the peer
  default-originate        Originate default route to this neighbor
  description              Neighbor specific description
  disable-connected-check  one-hop away EBGP peer using loopback address
  distribute-list          Filter updates to/from this neighbor
  dmzlink-bw               Propagate the DMZ link bandwidth
  ebgp-multihop            Allow EBGP neighbors not on directly connected
  fall-over                session fall on peer route lost
  filter-list              Establish BGP filters
  ha-mode                  high availability mode
  inherit                  Inherit a template
  local-as                 Specify a local-as number
  maximum-prefix           Maximum number of prefixes accepted from this
  next-hop-self            Disable the next hop calculation for this
  next-hop-unchanged       Propagate next hop unchanged for iBGP paths to
this neighbor
  password                 Set a password
  peer-group               Member of the peer-group
  prefix-list              Filter updates to/from this neighbor
  remote-as                Specify a BGP neighbor
  remove-private-as        Remove private AS number from outbound updates
  route-map                Apply route map to neighbor
  route-reflector-client   Configure a neighbor as Route Reflector client
  send-community           Send Community attribute to this neighbor
  send-label               Send NLRI + MPLS Label to this peer
  shutdown                 Administratively shut down this neighbor
  soft-reconfiguration     Per neighbor soft reconfiguration
  soo                      Site-of-Origin extended community
  timers                   BGP per neighbor timers
  translate-update         Translate Update to MBGP format
  transport                Transport options
  ttl-security             BGP ttl security check
  unsuppress-map           Route-map to selectively unsuppress suppressed
  update-source            Source of routing updates
  version                  Set the BGP version to match a neighbor
  weight                   Set default weight for routes from this neighbor

Cisco Router is running  c7200p-adventerprisek9-mz.122-33.SRC2.bin

Config looks like this:

neighbor remote-as 22523
 neighbor description iBGP WITH HOMER
 neighbor shutdown
 neighbor update-source Loopback1
 neighbor next-hop-self
 neighbor prefix-list DENY-ALL-ROUTES in


Apr  1 10:14:44.062 mdt: %BGP-5-ADJCHANGE: neighbor Up
Apr  1 10:18:23.462 mdt: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by james
on vty0 (
Apr  1 10:21:44.765 mdt: %BGP-5-ADJCHANGE: neighbor Down BGP
Notification sent
Apr  1 10:21:44.765 mdt: %BGP-3-NOTIFICATION: sent to neighbor 4/0 (hold time expired) 0 bytes
Apr  1 10:21:49 mdt: BGP notification suppress timer expired, old send
Apr  1 10:21:49 mdt: BGP April 01 16:20:49.913: BGP: passive
send NOTIFICATION 2/8 (no supported AFI/SAFI) afi 0 safi 0

Any clues ?

James H. Edwards
Senior Network Systems Administrator
Judicial Information Division
jedwards at nmcourts.gov

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