[c-nsp] NPE-G1 cant read Compact Flash

Ryan Brooks ryan at hack.net
Thu Dec 24 14:35:32 EST 2009

On 12/24/09 1:24 PM, Łukasz Bromirski wrote:
> The CF slot of NPE-G1 is very picky about CF - even if it's from
> Cisco. I'd make sure I have latest ROMMON loaded and then do following:
> - make the NPE-G1 boot the IOS correctly by any means - loading
>    it until it goes up
> - format the CF then - new ROMMONs tend to mask various 'problems'
>    the reader may have with the CF
> - then check if You can reboot the router safely and it will read
>    the CF correctly
> If You can't make it work - RMA the NPE. Maybe the CF reader is simply
> broken.
Another thought: If you've played with these cards a lot; had them in a 
card reader, etc. I might suggest getting rid of any cruft in the first 
few blocks:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/yourrawcarddevice bs=1024 count=256

On any sort of Unix box will do the trick.    (the values above aren't 
critical, just good enough to get rid of any garbage)

-Ryan Brooks
ryan at hack.net

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