[c-nsp] IP Sla

Mohammad Khalil eng_mssk at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 28 04:48:30 EDT 2009

hi all

i configured the following on my router 

ip sla 200
 threshold 50
 frequency 5
ip sla schedule 200 life forever start-time now

event manager applet FILE 
 event snmp oid "" get-type exact entry-op eq entry-val "1" exit-op eq exit-val "2" poll-interval 5
 action 1.0 syslog msg "RTT"
 action 1.1 mail server "x.x.x.x" to "x at x.com" from "y at x.com" subject "test"

now the average RTT value to is about 90ms
i configured the threshold to be 50 so that the sla will count continously

but i received one mail and didnt receive another mail after that ?
any ideas how to keep sending that mail ?

thanks in advnace

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