[c-nsp] Sending connected number from AS5350

McDonald Richards mcdonald.richards at gmail.com
Fri Mar 13 20:42:47 EDT 2009

This is fairly common policy for a telco and I think you are probably
heading in the wrong direction with your analysis. The calling party IE is
sent in the ISDN setup message. You should use translation profiles on the
SIP leg of the call to normalise the calling party number as the call hits
the gateway and present the expected format to your provider.

Here's a sample configuration on how to overstamp incoming calls from a
customer assuming you use a digit prepend or similar to identify them on
your gateway (in this case the digit prepend being 00022):

voice translation-profile OVERSTAMP-CUSTOMER-A
 translate calling 100

voice translation-rule 100
 rule 1 /^.*/ /$customer_number/

dial-peer 100
 description incoming calls from customer-a
 translation-profile incoming OVERSTAMP-CUSTOMER-A
 incoming called-number 00022.T

The above config snippets will take any number coming in that matches
dial-peer 100 and set the calling-party to whatever you have entered in
$customer_number. Using this you can present your provider the correct
numbers and preserve CLI integrity.

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 3:20 AM, Andreas Sikkema <ASikkema at office.unet.nl>wrote:

> Hi,
> I've got a Cisco AS5350XM connected to a couple of ISDN30s from one of the
> local telcos. The 5350 converts ISDN to SIP and vice versa. Some of our
> customers on the SIP side have complained that every now and then when
> they are called from the PSTN side the calling party sees the "main
> number" of our ISDN lines appear instead of the called number when the
> call has been answered.
> The telco apparently has the policy that they will send out the line
> number when we don't provide the connected number or overwrite it when we
> send an "illegal" number. The only thing the telco so far has offered us
> is to set presentation to not allowed for all outgoing connected numbers
> which will solve the presentation of the line number but might give some
> calling parties the wrong impression.
> The problem is that I haven't been able to find a way make our 5350 send a
> "connected number" IE on the ISDN side. (isdn outgoing ie connected-number
> hasn't yet solved the problem as far as I can see).
> Is there a way to force the 5350 to send a connected number IE for
> instance when receiving an UPDATE message or on receipt of a 200 OK
> message? The only logging a debug isdn q931 will give on a CONNECT message
> being sent is this:
> Mar 12 16:28:10.935: ISDN Se3/5:15 Q931: TX -> CONNECT pd = 8  callref =
> 0xF001
> Or am I way off track and should be looking at something else?
> --
> Andreas Sikkema
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