[c-nsp] Cisco 3750 high CPU utilization HL3U bkgrd]

Ioan Branet ioan.branet at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 08:43:04 EDT 2009


We have many Cisco 3750 switches in our network which have high CPU
utilization.It seems that the process that cause this high load is:HL3U
bkgrd process.

The problem is solved after a reload but appears again after 3-4 months.

We changed also the IOS but with no results.

It seems that it is a bug but I am not very sure.

sh processes cpu sorted | ex 0.00
CPU utilization for five seconds: 99%/28%; one minute: 85%; five minutes:
PID Runtime(ms)   Invoked      uSecs   5Sec   1Min   5Min TTY Process
108   389775804   4389443      88799 57.57% 40.01% 39.39%   0 HL3U bkgrd
58    11854779  72185839        164  3.50%  2.77%  2.31%   0 HLFM address
292         689       192       3588  1.91%  0.33%  0.07%   1 Virtual
Exec     47    12845296   2142151       5996  1.11%  1.00%  1.04%   0 FE
free chunk   245    17376827    532655      32623  0.63%  0.51%  0.52%   0
MFI LFD Stats Pr
107     5476276  58476944         93  0.63%  0.62%  0.58%   0 Hulc LED
74      768210  21312879         36  0.31%  0.09%  0.08%   0 hpm main
135     6540410  20282165        322  0.15%  0.18%  0.22%   0 IP
Input        143     3566619  27781902        128  0.15%  0.24%  0.20%   0
Spanning Tree    45     1004640 128285520          7  0.15%  0.15%  0.13%
0 Fifo Error Detec
138     1152329   2735155        421  0.15%  0.13%  0.12%   0 PI MATM Aging

sh version
Cisco IOS Software, C3750ME Software (C3750ME-I5-M), Version 12.2(37)SE1,
Copyright (c) 1986-2007 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 05-Jul-07 20:06 by antonino
Image text-base: 0x00003000, data-base: 0x0163F400

ROM: Bootstrap program is C3750 boot loader
BOOTLDR: C3750ME Boot Loader (C3750ME-HBOOT-M) Version 12.1(14r)AX, RELEASE

vic102 uptime is 4 weeks, 4 days, 10 hours, 9 minutes
System returned to ROM by power-on
System restarted at 03:01:54 GMT Fri Feb 27 2009
System image file is "flash:c3750me-i5-mz.122-37.SE1.bin"

cisco ME-C3750-24TE (PowerPC405) processor (revision F0) with 118784K/12280K
bytes of memory.
Processor board ID CAT1043NM05
Last reset from power-on
8 Virtual Ethernet interfaces
24 FastEthernet interfaces
4 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
The password-recovery mechanism is enabled.

1024K bytes of flash-simulated non-volatile configuration memory.
Base ethernet MAC Address       : 00:19:E8:87:23:00
Motherboard assembly number     : 73-9938-04
Motherboard serial number       : CAT104356B7
Model revision number           : F0
Motherboard revision number     : A0
Model number                    : ME-C3750-24TE-M
Daughterboard assembly number   : 73-9939-02
Daughterboard serial number     : CAT104355CQ
System serial number            : CAT1043NM05
Top Assembly Part Number        : 800-25952-04
Top Assembly Revision Number    : C0
Version ID                      : V05
CLEI Code Number                : COM1510ARA
Daughterboard revision number   : A0
Hardware Board Revision Number  : 0x09

Switch   Ports  Model              SW Version              SW
Image           ------   -----  -----              ----------
----------         *    1   28     ME-C3750-24TE
12.2(37)SE1             C3750ME-I5-M
Configuration register is 0xF

#sh memory | i HL
030C8118 0000005000 030C804C 030C94CC 001  -------- -------- 005CF8E4  HLFM
030C94CC 0000000808 030C8118 030C9820 001  -------- -------- 005CF93C  HLFM
0320A434 0000000808 0320A008 0320A788 001  -------- -------- 00CB2F74
0320A788 0000020000 0320A434 0320F5D4 001  -------- -------- 00CB2F9C
0320F5D4 0000032768 0320A788 03217600 001  -------- -------- 00CB2FC4
03217600 0000000808 0320F5D4 03217954 001  -------- -------- 00CB2FEC
03217954 0000002000 03217600 03218150 001  -------- -------- 00CB3014
03218150 0000000808 03217954 032184A4 001  -------- -------- 00CB303C
032184A4 0000000432 03218150 03218680 001  -------- -------- 00CB3064
03218680 0000000808 032184A4 032189D4 001  -------- -------- 00CB308C
032189D4 0000000432 03218680 03218BB0 001  -------- -------- 00CB30B4
03218BB0 0000003620 032189D4 03219A00 001  -------- -------- 00CB30DC
03219A00 0000000296 03218BB0 03219B54 001  -------- -------- 00CB3104
032F2BCC 0000000960 032F252C 032F2FB8 001  -------- -------- 00CBE090
0330BD38 0000000176 0330B698 0330BE14 001  -------- -------- 00B18A5C
0330C174 0000000160 0330C0C0 0330C240 001  -------- -------- 01622A8C
036F9C6C 0000000972 036F9A8C 036FA064 001  -------- -------- 00CB7108
036FA064 0000000872 036F9C6C 036FA3F8 001  -------- -------- 00CBE090
0390629C 0000000024 03906258 039062E0 001  -------- -------- 00B1AFAC
039906D8 0000001292 0399008C 03990C10 001  -------- -------- 00CBE090
03993CC4 0000000808 03993690 03994018 001  -------- -------- 00CBE090
0399C258 0000001476 0399BC14 0399C848 001  -------- -------- 00CB7108
0399C964 0000005000 0399C848 0399DD18 001  -------- -------- 005CB1E0  HLFM
03A0A610 0000001096 03A0A3EC 03A0AA84 001  -------- -------- 00CBE090
03A2B8E4 0000000808 03A2B858 03A2BC38 001  -------- -------- 00CBE090
03A2BC38 0000000872 03A2B8E4 03A2BFCC 001  -------- -------- 00CBE090
03A2E864 0000007768 03A2E624 03A306E8 001  -------- -------- 005CB1E0  HLFM
03A30D28 0000000808 03A30CBC 03A3107C 001  -------- -------- 00CBE090
03A92BD4 0000000808 03A92590 03A92F28 001  -------- -------- 00CBE090
03EE36A8 0000005000 03EE3634 03EE4A5C 001  -------- -------- 005CB1E0  HLFM
03F24DCC 0000001008 03F24D54 03F251E8 001  -------- -------- 00CBE090
03F43C34 0000008200 03F43BE8 03F45C68 001  -------- -------- 005CB1E0  HLFM
03F4C260 0000000808 03F4C1CC 03F4C5B4 001  -------- -------- 005CB5B8  HLFM
03F85410 0000000808 03F84DBC 03F85764 001  -------- -------- 00CBE090
03F85EF0 0000001008 03F85764 03F8630C 001  -------- -------- 00CBE090
03F872A8 0000001288 03F86F08 03F877DC 001  -------- -------- 00CBE090
03FEBD34 0000000808 03FEB5A8 03FEC088 001  -------- -------- 00CB7108
03FEC088 0000001076 03FEBD34 03FEC4E8 001  -------- -------- 00CB7108
03FEEF64 0000000808 03FEE7D8 03FEF2B8 001  -------- -------- 00CBE090
03FEF2B8 0000000832 03FEEF64 03FEF624 001  -------- -------- 00CBE090
03FF05F0 0000005944 03FF04FC 03FF1D54 001  -------- -------- 005CB1E0  HLFM

#sh sdm prefer
The current template is "desktop routing" template.
The selected template optimizes the resources in
the switch to support this level of features for
8 routed interfaces and 1024 VLANs.

number of unicast mac addresses:                  3K
number of IPv4 IGMP groups + multicast routes:    1K
number of IPv4 unicast routes:                    11K
  number of directly-connected IPv4 hosts:        3K
  number of indirect IPv4 routes:                 8K
number of IPv4 policy based routing aces:         0.5K
number of IPv4/MAC qos aces:                      0.5K
number of IPv4/MAC security aces:                 1K

Mar 31 12:48:11: %OCE-3-MISSING_HANDLER_FOR_SW_OBJ_TYPE: Missing handler for
'non choice oce get next' function for type Midchain
Mar 31 12:48:17: %OCE-3-MISSING_HANDLER_FOR_SW_OBJ_TYPE: Missing handler for
'non choice oce get next' function for type Midchain
Mar 31 12:48:28: %OCE-3-MISSING_HANDLER_FOR_SW_OBJ_TYPE: Missing handler for
'non choice oce get next' function for type Midchain
Mar 31 12:48:46: %OCE-3-MISSING_HANDLER_FOR_SW_OBJ_TYPE: Missing handler for
'non choice oce get next' function for type Midchain
Mar 31 12:49:00: %OCE-3-MISSING_HANDLER_FOR_SW_OBJ_TYPE: Missing handler for
'non choice oce get next' function for type Midchain
Mar 31 12:49:47: %OCE-3-MISSING_HANDLER_FOR_SW_OBJ_TYPE: Missing handler for
'non choice oce get next' function for type Midchain
Mar 31 12:50:39: %OCE-3-MISSING_HANDLER_FOR_SW_OBJ_TYPE: Missing handler for
'non choice oce get next' function for type Midchain
Mar 31 12:51:02: %OCE-3-MISSING_HANDLER_FOR_SW_OBJ_TYPE: Missing handler for
'non choice oce get next' function for type Midchain
Mar 31 12:51:34: %OCE-3-MISSING_HANDLER_FOR_SW_OBJ_TYPE: Missing handler for
'non choice oce get next' function for type Midchain
Mar 31 12:51:55: %OCE-3-MISSING_HANDLER_FOR_SW_OBJ_TYPE: Missing handler for
'non choice oce get next' function for type Midchain
Mar 31 12:53:11: %OCE-3-MISSING_HANDLER_FOR_SW_OBJ_TYPE: Missing handler for
'non choice oce get next' function for type Midchain
Mar 31 12:53:25: %OCE-3-MISSING_HANDLER_FOR_SW_OBJ_TYPE: Missing handler for
'non choice oce get next' function for type Midchain
Mar 31 12:53:37: %OCE-3-MISSING_HANDLER_FOR_SW_OBJ_TYPE: Missing handler for
'non choice oce get next' function for type Midchain
Mar 31 12:54:36: %OCE-3-MISSING_HANDLER_FOR_SW_OBJ_TYPE: Missing handler for
'non choice oce get next' function for type Midchain
Mar 31 12:56:44: %OCE-3-MISSING_HANDLER_FOR_SW_OBJ_TYPE: Missing handler for
'non choice oce get next' function for type Midchain
Mar 31 12:57:48: %OCE-3-MISSING_HANDLER_FOR_SW_OBJ_TYPE: Missing handler for
'non choice oce get next' function for type Midchain
Mar 31 13:02:22: %OCE-3-MISSING_HANDLER_FOR_SW_OBJ_TYPE: Missing handler for
'non choice oce get next' function for type Midchain
Mar 31 13:02:48: %OCE-3-MISSING_HANDLER_FOR_SW_OBJ_TYPE: Missing handler for
'non choice oce get next' function for type Midchain
Mar 31 13:03:56: %OCE-3-MISSING_HANDLER_FOR_SW_OBJ_TYPE: Missing handler for
'non choice oce get next' function for type Midchain
Mar 31 13:07:31: %OCE-3-MISSING_HANDLER_FOR_SW_OBJ_TYPE: Missing handler for
'non choice oce get next' function for type Midchain
Mar 31 13:30:37: %OCE-3-MISSING_HANDLER_FOR_SW_OBJ_TYPE: Missing handler for
'non choice oce get next' function for type Midchain

On other 3750 from our network:

sh processes cpu  sorted | ex 0.00
CPU utilization for five seconds: 43%/2%; one minute: 58%; five minutes: 59%

PID Runtime(ms)   Invoked      uSecs   5Sec   1Min   5Min TTY Process
108  2635783702  47442165      55558 30.55% 48.37% 49.28%   0 HL3U bkgrd
294         500      2692        185  3.19%  0.55%  0.13%   1 Virtual
Exec     47   296813504  43714587       6789  1.43%  1.70%  1.74%   0 FE
free chunk   107    58156203 265066803        219  0.63%  0.42%  0.37%   0
Hulc LED Process
247    88726248   2800468      31682  0.47%  0.45%  0.47%   0 MFI LFD Stats
117     3310849   6664259        496  0.15%  0.04%  0.03%   0 HRPC qos
135     8065160  45776840        176  0.15%  0.07%  0.04%   0 IP
Input        243    28572622  56335656        507  0.15%  0.17%  0.18%   0
#sh ver
Cisco IOS Software, C3750ME Software (C3750ME-I5-M), Version 12.2(37)SE1,
Copyright (c) 1986-2007 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 05-Jul-07 20:06 by antonino
Image text-base: 0x00003000, data-base: 0x0163F400

ROM: Bootstrap program is C3750 boot loader
BOOTLDR: C3750ME Boot Loader (C3750ME-HBOOT-M) Version 12.1(14r)AX, RELEASE

rom101 uptime is 27 weeks, 5 days, 18 hours, 13 minutes
System returned to ROM by power-on
System restarted at 20:03:10 CETDST Wed Sep 17 2008
System image file is "flash:c3750me-i5-mz.122-37.SE1.bin"

cisco ME-C3750-24TE (PowerPC405) processor (revision F0) with 118784K/12280K
bytes of memory.
Processor board ID CAT1111NLH3
Last reset from power-on
3 Virtual Ethernet interfaces
24 FastEthernet interfaces
4 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
The password-recovery mechanism is enabled.

1024K bytes of flash-simulated non-volatile configuration memory.
Base ethernet MAC Address       : 00:1B:2B:E6:4B:00
Motherboard assembly number     : 73-9938-04
Motherboard serial number       : CAT11115HNX
Model revision number           : F0
Motherboard revision number     : B0
Model number                    : ME-C3750-24TE-M
Daughterboard assembly number   : 73-9939-02
Daughterboard serial number     : CAT11115KVD
System serial number            : CAT1111NLH3
Top Assembly Part Number        : 800-25952-04
Top Assembly Revision Number    : C0
Version ID                      : V05
CLEI Code Number                : COM1510ARA
Daughterboard revision number   : A0
Hardware Board Revision Number  : 0x09

Switch   Ports  Model              SW Version              SW
Image           ------   -----  -----              ----------
----------         *    1   28     ME-C3750-24TE
12.2(37)SE1             C3750ME-I5-M
Configuration register is 0xF
       Do you have any idea what is the root cause of this issue?

Thnak you,

Ioan Branet

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