[c-nsp] Network Change Management

Justin M. Streiner streiner at cluebyfour.org
Tue Aug 17 06:33:39 EDT 2010

On Tue, 17 Aug 2010, Jeff Wojciechowski wrote:

> I know there are tools out there like RANCID that help manage 
> configuration changes but we want something that will be able to be able 
> to have a system that will not only be able to document what changes 
> were made, but to also document why.

> Can anyone out there make recommendations on what change management 
> tools they use or have used that might fit this bill?
> We are open to either open source or something modestly priced.

Where I work, our trouble ticketing system is Remedy, so we built our 
change management request/approval system on top of that.  That wouldn't 
meet your free or midestly priced criteria though...  Other large shops 
have taken a similar path, using their existing CRM systems (Remedy, 
Clarify, Vantive, etc...), since they already had a large investment in 
those systems.

I've seen people use freeware solutions in the past.  GNATS, RT, 
OTRS, hooks into Nagios, etc.


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