[c-nsp] 3750 stack

Flint, Chris CFlint at mt.gov
Wed Aug 25 19:32:06 EDT 2010


The joys of express setup... somebody held down the mode button for 10+ seconds.  There should be files on the flash containing the old boot config and vlan.dat.


Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 21:28:59 +0100
From: Heath Jones <hj1980 at gmail.com>
To: "PARATTE Florent (G)" <florent.paratte at gmail.com>
Cc: cisco-nsp at puck.nether.net
Subject: Re: [c-nsp] (no subject)
	<AANLkTinfryc0rj=j4v1UZ7bDHGrWEK-N+QRFiMjKayhE at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1


I have never seen anything about 'HRPC' before, but some googling suggests
that its some Remote Procedure Call component they are using.
RPC basically provides access for calling software functions a device, from
another device. It might be what is being used in the stack for interswitch
software comms, the interesting thing is x_setup.
To me that suggests each device in the stack is providing a function for a
'factory reset'. I have no idea now a packet/RPC call from the real world
would get messed up with that (if something came from outside the device),
the only obvious things are using the CLI or web interface to perform a
factory reset. Did you reset any switches at all around the same time? Also,
the logs are the wrong way around?

Not very helpful I know, but atleast it might explain what the error
messages are actually saying...


On 25 August 2010 08:56, PARATTE Florent (G) <florent.paratte at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello,
> yesterday, a stack of three WS-C3750G-24TS-S IPBASE 12.2(50)SE3 reloaded
> after having erased its configuration... i tried to find the issue but i
> haven't found anything. I just have syslog messages as following:
> Notice   2010-08-24    14:36:58    4606: 004527: Aug 24 14:36:57.301:
> %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested by HRPC x_setup request handler. Reload
> reason: Reason unspecified
> Info  2010-08-24    14:36:57    4605: 004526: Aug 24 14:36:56.295:
> %EXPRESS_SETUP-6-CONFIG_IS_RESET: The configuration is reset and the system
> will now reboot
> Do you have an idea of what happened?
> Thank you in advance.

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