[c-nsp] bandwidth statement on interface to match shaped value?
Roger Wiklund
roger.wiklund at gmail.com
Thu Jul 1 13:06:21 EDT 2010
Indeed you are right! Thanks a lot for clarifying this.
>From a customer on a GigE shaped to 288Mbit. (bandwidth command on main
interface 1Gig)
Class-map: priority (match-any)
223094671 packets, 55266652872 bytes
30 second offered rate 61000 bps, drop rate 0 bps
Match: ip dscp cs4 (32) af41 (34) af42 (36) af43 (38)
223094671 packets, 55266652872 bytes
30 second rate 61000 bps
queue limit 64 packets
(queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
(pkts output/bytes output) 0/0
bandwidth remaining 40% (111600 kbps) <-----------111Mbit
On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 6:45 PM, Benjamin Lovell <belovell at cisco.com> wrote:
> adding back puck so others can reference.
> Ok, well my answer was a little truncated as a full answer is a little
> convoluted.
> The bandwidth statement on the interface has three effects.
> 1) change the eigrp metric
> 2) EIGRP will only use a certain % of the interface bandwidth for routing
> updates. This percent is based on the bandwidth statement so it can affect
> routing updates if eigrp is trying to use close to the link bandwidth for
> updates. Really only a concern if the bandwidth is set very low(tunnel
> interfaces default to like 9Kb or so) and this causes eigrp to unnecessarily
> throttle itself. Or if link is VERY slow and bandwidth metric is high eigrp
> will not throttle itself and updates will be dropped.
> 3) "bandwidth percent" in policy-maps. The percent will be a percentage of
> interface bandwidth statement IF "bandwidth percent" is in top level
> policy-map. If bandwidth percent is in child policy and shaper/policer is in
> the parent then "bandwidth percent" will be a percentage of the shape/police
> rate.
> The reason I say the bandwidth statement on an interface does not affect
> QoS is this..
> Changing the bandwidth statement on an FE interface to say 30% does not
> cause queueing to take place at 33Mb. The link will still try to send out
> 100Mbit before queueing starts and QoS has any affect. If you want to create
> congestion to cause queueing to happen then you need a two level QoS policy.
> The parent will cause congestion at say 30%(using as shaper/policer) and
> then the child policy will queue things up based on your classes once the
> parent has caused congestion.
> Anytime the link speed(not bandwidth metric) does not match the actual rate
> traffic that can be sent then two level QoS must be used. Most commonly on
> ISP ethernet handoff where provided bandwidth does not match link speed or
> on Tunnel interfaces which have no link speed and therefor never experience
> congestion unless created with a shaper/policer.
> It's convoluted to try and explain but fairly logical once understood.
> Here is an example from my home router where I have a FE handoff but only
> about 1.65Mb of usable upload
> policy-map parent-policy <==== parent policy creates congestion at 1.65Mb
> class class-default
> shape peak 1650000
> service-policy child-policy <== then call child policy to do desired
> queueing once 1.65Mb is reached.
> policy-map child-policy
> class ECT-VOICE
> priority 364
> class webby
> bandwidth percent 10
> bandwidth percent 30
> gateway#show policy-map interface f4.10
> ....
> Class-map: webby (match-all)
> 14944430 packets, 1625152735 bytes
> 30 second offered rate 1000 bps, drop rate 0 bps
> Match: access-group 102
> Queueing
> queue limit 64 packets
> (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
> (pkts output/bytes output) 14944215/1625121048
> bandwidth 10% (165 kbps) <===== 10% of shape rate not of
> interface bandwidth metric which is still 100Mb
> ....
> -Ben
> On Jul 1, 2010, at 12:06 PM, tdensmore wrote:
> Really? I was under the impression that QoS was also dependant on
>> bandwidth statements, and when the OP mentions policy-maps and classes, I'm
>> thinking QoS. I ask this not to question you directly, but because I'm
>> currently studying for the 642-642 QoS test and would like to know if my
>> understanding it way off base.
>> What I'm talking about:
>> R1#sho policy-map interface fa2/0 output class rtp
>> FastEthernet2/0
>> Service-policy output: backbone_llq
>> Class-map: rtp (match-any)
>> 2743948 packets, 368861980 bytes
>> 5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
>> Match: ip dscp ef (46)
>> 2743948 packets, 368861980 bytes
>> 5 minute rate 0 bps
>> Queueing
>> Strict Priority
>> Output Queue: Conversation 264
>> Bandwidth 30 (%)
>> Bandwidth 30000 (kbps) Burst 750000 (Bytes)
>> (pkts matched/bytes matched) 0/0
>> (total drops/bytes drops) 0/0
>> R1#conf t
>> Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
>> R1(config)#int fa2/0
>> R1(config-if)#bandwidth 44210
>> R1(config-if)#^Z
>> R1#sho policy-map interface fa2/0 output class rtp
>> FastEthernet2/0
>> Service-policy output: backbone_llq
>> Class-map: rtp (match-any)
>> 2743948 packets, 368861980 bytes
>> 5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
>> Match: ip dscp ef (46)
>> 2743948 packets, 368861980 bytes
>> 5 minute rate 0 bps
>> Queueing
>> Strict Priority
>> Output Queue: Conversation 264
>> Bandwidth 30 (%)
>> Bandwidth 13263 (kbps) Burst 331575 (Bytes)
>> (pkts matched/bytes matched) 0/0
>> (total drops/bytes drops) 0/0
>> Thanks,
>> Tim
>> On 7/1/2010 9:30 AM, Benjamin Lovell wrote:
>>> The bandwidth statement just alters the EIGRP bandwidth metric. So if you
>>> are using EIGRP and want it to reflect the true bandwidth of the link, then
>>> yes. Else it does not matter.
>>> -Ben
>>> On Jul 1, 2010, at 10:43 AM, Roger Wiklund wrote:
>>> Hi
>>>> When using a physical interface of 100meg with an outbound policy-map
>>>> that
>>>> shapes all traffic to 30meg, should the bandwidth of the physical
>>>> interface
>>>> reflect the shaped value?
>>>> The policy-map is also using remaining bandwidth percentage x for
>>>> different
>>>> classes.
>>>> I would assume you want the percentage level to calculate based on the
>>>> 30meg, rather than on the 100meg right?
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Regards
>>>> Roger
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