[c-nsp] rtmcmd.sh generates errors
Пономарев Алексей
alex at dsi.ru
Tue Mar 9 22:35:42 EST 2010
On 03/06/2010 04:32 AM, Abdel Bidar wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I would like to use mrtg to report on our SCE. I have followed Cisco documentation.
> When I run the script rtmcmd.sh I get some errors.
> Have someone had the same issues ? I am running on Linux server.
> Thanks
> Regards
> Abdel
> Manager_server:/mrtg/bin# ./rtmcmd.sh --sce="" --pqb-sce "" -U admin -P Mario22 --source-dir=/mrtg/templates --dest-dir=/mrtg/output -c ./rtmcmd.cfg
> connecting to ... done
> retrieving service configuration from SCE ... done
> disconnecting from device ... done
> loading user configuration from file 'rtmcmd.cfg' ... done
> processing templates from '/mrtg/templates' to '/mrtg/output' ... Mar 5, 2010 6:45:48 PM freemarker.log.JDK14LoggerFactory$JDK14Logger error
> Expression colorList[serviceCounter_index] is undefined on line 99, column 52 in common/bw_per_service.ftl.
> The problematic instruction:
> ----------
> ==> ${colorList[serviceCounter_index]} [on line 99, column 50 in common/bw_per_service.ftl]
> in user-directive drawReport [on line 2, column 1 in common/report_page_bottom.ftl]
> in include "report_page_bottom.ftl" [on line 113, column 1 in common/bw_per_service.ftl]
> in include "../common/bw_per_service.ftl" [on line 8, column 1 in report-cgi/link1_down_bw.cgi.ftl]
> ----------
> Java backtrace for programmers:
> ----------
> freemarker.core.InvalidReferenceException: Expression colorList[serviceCounter_index] is undefined on line 99, column 52 in common/bw_per_service.ftl.
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-- In the RTM templates folder, locate the file
-- Paste the following code at the end of this file:
<#assign colorList=["CC0000", "000066", "00CC00", "CC00CC", "996600",
"CCCCCC", "003333",
"FF6600", "FF66FF", "CCFF00", "99CC00", "3333CC", "FF0033", "FF99FF",
"333399", "33FF00",
"CCCCFF", "CC0033", "66CC00", "6666FF", "000033", "00FF99", "9933CC",
"FFCC33", "336600",
"3300FF", "CCCC66", "663300", "0033FF", "00FF33", "993333", "99CCFF",
"FFFF00", "333333",
"33CCFF", "CCCC00", "CC0099", "66CCFF", "666600", "0000CC", "00FF66",
"993300", "9999FF",
"FFFF33", "333366", "33FFFF", "CCCC33", "CC00FF", "660000", "66FFCC",
"0000FF", "009933",
"99CCCC", "990000", "FF00FF", "FFFF66", "333300", "33CCCC", "CC33FF",
"CC9900", "66FF99",
"0033CC", "990033", "99FFCC", "FF33FF", "FFCC00", "33CC99", "330000",
"CC33CC", "CCFF33",
"003300", "00CCCC", "9933FF", "999900", "FFFF99", "3333FF", "33CC33",
"CC3300", "CC99FF",
"66FF33", "003366", "9966FF", "99FF33", "FF3300", "3366CC", "CCFF66",
"FF0000", "336633",
"CCCC99", "6600FF", "006633", "00FFFF", "9900CC", "99FF00", "00CC99",
"990066", "FF99CC",
"33CC00", "3300CC", "CC3333", "CCFFCC", "00CC33", "993366", "99FFFF",
"009900", "990099",
"FFCCCC", "339933", "CC0066", "66FFFF", "006600", "993399", "33FFCC",
"FF9900", "330033",
"3399FF", "CCFF99", "663333", "00CCFF", "FFCC66", "330066", "6699FF",
"66FF00", "000099",
"9999CC", "FF3333", "33FF33", "6633FF", "FFCC99"] />
-- run RTMCMD again.
С уважением,
Пономарев Алексей
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