[c-nsp] Current BGP BCP for anchoring and announcing local prefixes

Jason Lixfeld jason at lixfeld.ca
Mon Mar 15 13:08:03 EDT 2010

I've been in the habit of using communities to anchor and announce prefixes into BGP for years and I think my ways are somewhat dated.  I'm looking for a bit of a refresh.  Wondering if anyone here has any thoughts ;)

So hypothetically speaking:

router bgp 65535
 no synchronization
 neighbor remote-as 1
 neighbor route-map as1.in in
 neighbor route-map as1.out out
 neighbor description transit
 neighbor send-community
 neighbor remote as 2
 neighbor route-map as2.in in
 neighbor route-map as2.out out
 neighbor description customer
 neighbor send-community
 neighbor remote-as 65535
 neighbor send-community
 neighbor description ibgp
 neighbor update-source loopback0
 neighbor next-hop-self
 network mask route-map local
ip route null0 250 name "BGP Anchor"
ip bgp-community new-format
ip community-list expanded local permit 65535:100
ip community-list expanded transit permit 65535:50
ip community-list expanded customer permit 65535:150
route-map local
 set community 65535:100
route-map as1.in
 set community 65535:50
route-map as1.out
 match community local customer
route-map as2.in
 set community 65535:150
route-map as2.out
 match community local customer transit

This has served me well for quite a while.  I don't need to worry about managing access-lists or prefix lists, I just tag prefixes as they are received by transits or customers, or wrap a route-map around a network statement and I'm good to go. 

Where I'm starting to run up against issues is when I start to remove internal prefixes from OSPF and put them into BGP.  At this point, the network statements don't really work anymore.  The locally anchored route gets a high weight, so in cases where some IBGP speaker announces a prefix that has the same length as what's being anchored, the announced prefix is discarded in favour of the prefix with the higher weight.  The net result is a RIB entry for the prefix with a next-hop of null0 and black hole ensues.

aggregate-address may be a reasonable solution, but I can't seem to tag a community with an aggregate-address statement like I can with a network statement, so I'm thinking that maybe I've just got to re-think this from the ground up.

I like the network-statement + community way of doing things because I don't really have to touch much stuff when I go to anchor a new local prefix.  I just create the network statement and attach the proper route-map, and that's it.  No prefix-lists to modify, no EBGP facing route-maps to modify.  It's nice and simple and somewhat elegant.

I'm hoping there's a solution out there that is equally if not more simple and elegant.

Thanks in advance.

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