[c-nsp] [ot] SMTP

Alexander Clouter alex at digriz.org.uk
Mon Mar 15 14:45:49 EDT 2010

Alexander Clouter <alex at digriz.org.uk> wrote:
>> Sending 90,000 DNS queries to all the different RBLs on a daily basis 
>> is an easy way to get banned your network banned.
> Doing that is obviously stupid, however I did not tell you to launch a 
> DoS on a RBL :)
> [snipped]
Scrub that, this is far too much effort.

Layer-4 route-map into your own UNIX box running some kinda of 
Net::Pcap perl script that munches egress initial SMTP chit-chat.  
As soon as you get to DATA, stop looking at that TCP stream.  If you see 
a REJECT then record it somewhere and use it to catch the problems as 
they happen.

The result, you do not need to subscribe, munch or pay attention to 
*any* RBL services.  The hard work/expense has already been done by the 
SMTP server that is rejecting your userbase.


Alexander Clouter
.sigmonster says: He who laughs last didn't get the joke.

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