[c-nsp] BGP neighbor not establishing session

Mark Tinka mtinka at globaltransit.net
Tue Nov 23 06:14:53 EST 2010

On Tuesday, November 23, 2010 01:54:37 am Lobo wrote:

> The interfaces on both sides are all set to 9216 mtu but
> the path between them is a lot less than that.  Another
> thing that a colleague of mine pointed out was that the
> distance between these routers might be something to
> look at.  The latency is around 85ms.

Can't think of why this would be an issue.

The longest distance we have today between two iBGP 
neighbors is 160ms (and soon, the farthest we'll have will 
be about 230ms), and that has no problems at all.

I'd suspect MTU issues here.


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