[c-nsp] SXI4a

Alexander Clouter alex at digriz.org.uk
Thu Oct 14 03:40:01 EDT 2010

Dan Holme <dan.holme at gmail.com> wrote:
>> We have identified two distinct memory leaks that cause the dead pool to increase over time in our environment. One of them appears when prefix lists are updated. Still trying to isolate the other.
> Some time has passed; can anybody elaborate on their experiences with
> SXI4/SXI4a?
SXI4a is working fine on one of our 6500's and I updated from SXI3 to 
SXI4a on the other two on Tuesday.  No problems so far, although:
 * if you have a 64MB sup-bootflash, SXI4a weighs in at 70MB so remember 
	to polish your compactflash cards
 * the reload from SXI3 to SXI4a rewrote the boot system variable

As for the last one, on both the latter 6500's I got this from RANCID:
- !BootFlash: BOOT variable = disk0:s72033-ipservicesk9-mz.122-33.SXI4a.bin,12;bootflash:s72033-ipservicesk9-mz.122-33.SXI3.bin,12;
+ !BootFlash: BOOT variable = bootflash:s72033-ipservicesk9-mz.122-33.SXI.bin,12;

Now I'm unsure what will happen when we are hit by a power outage, but 
I'm waiting for our Cisco service folk to get back to me with advice 
before I go ahead and fix it myself.  :)

The way I see it is on a reload I will see either:
 * boot into SXI3 which still lurks on sup-bootflash
 * not boot at all as it will not find '-33.SXI.bin'

Either outcome is 'sub-optimal' so you might want to check what happens 
at your end after a reload (and others might want to check their already 
upgraded SXI4a's).


Alexander Clouter
.sigmonster says: "They ought to make butt-flavored cat food."   --Gallagher

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