[c-nsp] IOS/ASA VPN interop question

Tom Devries Tom.Devries at rci.rogers.com
Wed Oct 27 11:40:33 EDT 2010


This is more of an interop question.  When trying to establish a vpn
between a J series SRX device and a C series IOS/ASA device, does anyone
know if the C device will accept a proxy id of in the
SA creation?

Reason I ask is in J series SRX "route-based" vpn the proxy ID's for
local/remote/service will be zero'd by default, and also when there are
multiple networks behind the SRX that need encryption.

If anyone has done a J series route based vpn to C series IOS/ASA, I'd
be curious if you managed to establish SAs without specifying proxy-id
on the J side?  Is GRE my only real option?

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