[c-nsp] n5k caches usernames logged in

Lincoln Dale ltd at cisco.com
Sun Sep 19 22:20:33 EDT 2010

On 19/09/2010, at 10:12 PM, Tassos Chatzithomaoglou wrote:

> I noticed that when a remote user logs into a n5k and then logs out, the "show user-account" command still displays the user credentials.
> Waiting for some time or clearing manually the user from config mode (?), fixes the above.
> Is there a timer for such cached entries that can be changed? Is it possible to disable this caching?

i'm not sure why you feel this to be an issue?  if the user is provided from AAA then the AAA server will still be consulted for the authentication/authorization/roles etc.

On 19/09/2010, at 10:56 PM, Janet Plato wrote:

> - It also holds onto a lot of logs, and configuration commands, even
> long after one has cleared them.

this is a benefit of a platform with lots of RAM and storage.

> - Configuration mode and enable mode share a common command buffer,
> so in config mode hitting
> up arrow gets you "conf t" and "show whatever" along with previous
> config commands, and in enable
> mode hitting up arrow still gets you config bits from the previous
> configuration attempt.

while this is different from IOS, i'm not sure why i see this as a problem?
those 'show' commands can be used in config-mode without any "do" command, so they are just as relevant.

> - The terminal is pretty rough, it defaults to color-xterm and it
> seems to be hard coded in terms of how it responds
>  to control sequences.  I've not spent much time on in, but it
> redraws the screen funny, and sometimes you need to
>  move your terminal scroll buffer tab up and down or issue a redraw
> to get the correct output.  Can I suggest termcap or
>  terminfo please?

the terminal will negotiate to whatever your telnet/ssh client provides.  if its "pretty rough" and "defaults to color-xterm" then thats a function of what your client is providing.
from ssh via Mac/OSX i get a default of "vt100".

> - The command syntax changes from release to release, even more so than IOS.

i'm not sure i agree with this part.  there is little that 'changes' in the CLI release to release.  we stick by the same rules as IOS, as in "thou shalt not change defaults once set".



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