[c-nsp] Weird Traceroute Issue to Specific Destination

Heath Jones hj1980 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 21 12:18:40 EDT 2010

> dis2-rtr-mb#show ip route xx.xxx.2.226
> % Network not in table
> dis2-rtr-mb#show ip cef xx.xxx.2.226
>, version 8684984, epoch 1, cached adjacency xx.xxx.0.226
> 0 packets, 0 bytes
>  via xx.xxx.0.226, Vlan4, 0 dependencies
>    next hop xx.xxx.0.226, Vlan4
>    valid cached adjacency

Am I reading into it too much when I see a similarity between
xx.xxx.2.226 and xx.xxx.0.226 ?

> Try "show ip cef".  Sometimes cef gets confused about things (like "oh,
> I've heard an ARP reply for this address, must be locally connected").
> (This is a fairly old CEF bug, and I'm sure it got fixed long since, but
> might be something along that lines)

I was thinking along these lines when I noticed the Vlan4 (ie.
switched environment with potential for multiple hosts per segment),
but didn't realise there was actually a bug historically.

> gert

> PS: this thread shows a serious lack of reasonable quoting.

Fixed :)

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