[c-nsp] How to bring one link down if another related link goes down

John Neiberger jneiberger at gmail.com
Mon Sep 27 19:12:40 EDT 2010

We have two ten gig links between a pair of 7600s. For a couple of
reasons, if one goes down we need the other to go down automatically
in order to force traffic to take a completely different path instead
of trying to cram all of our traffic down the remaining link.

My first thought was to use an Etherchannel with min-links set to 2.
However, there are architectural reasons why we may not be able to use
Etherchannels in this particular situation. If we can't use
Etherchannels, what other methods are there?

Is there some way to utilize some sort of object tracking to force one
link to go down if its partner goes down? Alternatively, the link
itself does not need to go down. The traffic we're dealing with here
is statically routed, so it would suffice for the static routes to be
removed from the routing table unless both links were up. I have no
idea if that's possible, but we'd really like to find one or two
different ways to pull this off automatically.

Any ideas?


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