[c-nsp] ipv6 internal deployment

Mohacsi Janos mohacsi at niif.hu
Mon Feb 7 04:05:26 EST 2011

On Mon, 7 Feb 2011, Tom Mayer wrote:

> Hi,
> I am thinking about my deployment strategy for a relatively small v6 network.
> Current Situation:
> Several racks of dedicated servers. 240 servers per vlan (/24 v4 per 
> vlan) sharing their gateway, isolated from each other via pvlan 
> (+proxyarp) feature. Rest of addresses from /24 are used for services (3 
> vrrp routers + 1 virtual default gateway). If a server needs uncommonly 
> more than one address, it gets a /30 or /29 routed to his main address.

You can use pvlan with IPv6, but not the proxyarp. AFAIK similar proxy ND 
is not implemented. In IPv6 I would not route to main address but assign 
as much as address to the host as needed.

> I am planning to assign a /64 v6 to each server.
> I think it is not viable to map every /64 with it?s default gateway on the router.

You can assign longer prefixes also to servers inside a single /64 if you 
don't mind static configuration - which is advisable for server anyway 
(you don't want to change IP addresses. in case of network card 
replacement). You can rely on finding the default gateways with SLAAC RA 

> Is there a way to simply transfer the (I think simple, address conserving and secure) v4 strategy to v6?
> Now we have not a simple address per server, but a subnet.

We are using the following allocation strategy for the virtual server 
in last 64 bit:


where vv.ww.yy.zz is the IPv4 address of the host. XXXX is a sub-allocation 
for IPv6 address from 0-ffff

> What about assigning a link locale address to each server and routing its /64 to this?
> e.g.:  fe80::1 default gw (virtual vrrp)
>         fe80::2-f1  servers
>         fe80::fd vrrp1
>         fe80::fe vrrp2
>         fe80::ff vrrp3

Don't use link local addresses, they are only reachable on the same link.

Best Regards,
 	Janos Mohacsi

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