[c-nsp] ASR1000 QOS on Portchan Subints

CiscoNSP_list CiscoNSP_list cisconsp_list at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 26 20:14:20 EDT 2012

Hi Guys,

QOS is not "supported" on the ASR1K with Portchan Subints(egress), but there is a work-around using the "fragmentation" feature, where you create a dummy class-map for the physical Ints that are members of the PortChan, and then use "fragment" in the default-class of the policy-maps for the Portchan subints.

 class-map intf-attach-point  

policy-map main-intf-policy
 class intf-attach-point service-fragment entire-policy
  bandwidth remaining ratio 1

int g1/0/4
 channel-group 1
 service-policy out main-intf-policy

int g1/2/4
 channel-group 1
 service-policy out main-intf-policy

class-map match-any MATCH_DSCP_EF_CS3
 match ip dscp ef
 match ip dscp cs3

policy-map CHILD
  priority percent 20
 class class-default

policy-map PARENT
  class class-default fragment entire-policy
  shape average 3850000
  service-policy CHILD

int port-channel1.601
 encaps dot1q 601
 ip addr
 service-policy out PARENT

My question is, are there any negatives to using the fragmentation feature to deploy egress qos on portchan subints? Interested to hear from anyone who is actually using it in production?

Egress QoS support on Portchan Subints in IOS-XE is on the roadmap, but no confirmed date for release as yet - Am I better off waiting for it to be released?


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