[c-nsp] N7k CoPP versus rate-limiters

Phil Mayers p.mayers at imperial.ac.uk
Wed Mar 14 07:41:46 EDT 2012


We've just taken delivery of our first pair of N7k (and so far I'm 

I'm playing with porting our standard 6500 config to an equivalent N7k 
config, and I'm a bit puzzled by the interaction of CoPP and the 
hardware rate-limiters.

On 6500/Sup720 these two features have well documented limitations and 
interaction - specifically HW rate-limiters pre-empt CoPP. I can't seem 
to find detailed information on how that works in the N7k.

In general, what should I be using, for what?

This is NX-OS 6, with M1 series linecards doing routing (MPLS).

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