[c-nsp] EARL L2 ASIC Search Engine has failed

Phil Mayers p.mayers at imperial.ac.uk
Thu May 31 09:53:12 EDT 2012

On 31/05/12 14:33, Jason Lixfeld wrote:
> On 2012-05-31, at 9:02 AM, Phil Mayers wrote:
>> On 31/05/12 13:56, Jason Lixfeld wrote:
>>> I've run:
>>> 'diagnostic start module<1-9>   test all' to test all the modules.
>>> All seem to have passed.  Not sure if there are other diags to run.
>> At one point, those commands ran a sub-set of the diags; not sure if that's changed in recent versions, but a full diag suite is (highly) disruptive to traffic and (very) slow, so if you didn't see an outage, you haven't run them all.
> It shut the linecards down, so I'm pretty sure it did what it was supposed to :)

Cool, looks like they finally added the "all in one" command that was 
lacking (you used to have the run the "big" tests manually in a certain 
order, which was tedious).

If it passed a full diag, I think you're pretty safe on the hardware 
front (unless it's a sporadic fault, like a loose solder joint, which I 
hope is unlikely).

I would guess IOS bug at this point. Sadly :o(

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