[c-nsp] Slow 2008R2

Don Vliet Don.Vliet at pacificbuildingsystems.com
Fri Nov 16 20:20:51 EST 2012

First post to list...


Hello, I am looking for information on possible fixes, changes to
configuration, etc for my Cisco devices (or Windows) that may be
applicable for tuning network performance when introducing Windows
2008R2.  I have found many things through Google but have not solved my
issue yet.  The network equipment involved is a Cisco router 1811 and a
few switches (Catalyst 3550-12T / 12G / 48 / 24).


Originally my network was only W2003R2 Ent or Std and my speed was very
good.  I upgraded most of my servers including the file server to
W2008R2 Ent and now I sometimes get huge lag times when connecting to or
copying from the file servers...


Looked at much, need more suggestions...!





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