[c-nsp] ES20+ L3 subinterface or service instance ?
td_miles at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 23 19:37:13 EDT 2013
> From: Saku Ytti <saku at ytti.fi>
>On (2013-04-21 03:11 -0700), Tony wrote:
>> We are starting to migrate some connections from SIP400/SPA to ES20+ cards on our 7609's (sup720 w/ SRD4)
>> interface GigabitEthernet2/0/1.512
>> service-policy output shape_to_carrier_tail_speed
>You should definitely use subinterfaces when you can, EVC when you must.
>Please pay attention to your MQC configs, SIP400 and ES+ QoS configs are
>not 1:1 compatible. You should relab all your QoS to confirm they behave in
>a manner you expect.
>Even when it's simple as shaper, ask yourself, do you expect to receive L1
>or L2 speed? What are you receiving today?
Thanks for the tip, can you put me out of my misery and say which one shapes at L1 and which at L2 ?
I was making some changes this morning and I got this error:
"Police and Strict Priority must be configured together"
when trying to apply an existing policy to an ES+ sub-interface. Which is strange because I thought that a PQ always had a built in policer at it's rate to prevent it from starving other queue's anyway.
The policy-map in question looks like this:
policy-map pq-and-data-5m
class class-default
shape average 5000000
service-policy pq-and-data-policy
policy-map pq-and-data-policy
class class-pq
priority percent 40
class class-data
bandwidth percent 35
So that it shapes to the link speed (5Mbps in this case) and then creates two queues, one a PQ (for VoIP typically) and the other a queue for important stuff (eg. signalling, Citrix/RDP, etc). We have different parent shapers for different links speeds but they all use the same child policy so a "percent" value is required rather than a fixed bandwidth amount.
The above works on the SIP400, but gave that error when I tried to apply it to the ES card.
This is easy enough to work around by changing the child policy to be this instead:
policy-map pq-and-data-policy
class class-pq
police rate percent 40
class class-data
bandwidth percent 35
Is there any real difference between the two policies ? If I look at the output from "show policy-map" they appear to be much the same in what they are doing (bandwidths are different because one is 2M & one is 5M parent shaper):
Class-map: class-pq (match-any)
4228795 packets, 332827590 bytes
30 second offered rate 0000 bps, drop rate 0000 bps
Match: ip dscp ef (46)
Match: ip dscp cs5 (40)
Priority: 40% (800 kbps), burst bytes 20000, b/w exceed drops: 0
Class-map: class-pq (match-any)
0 packets, 0 bytes
30 second offered rate 0000 bps, drop rate 0000 bps
Match: ip dscp ef (46)
Match: ip dscp cs5 (40)
rate 40 %
(2000000 bps, burst 62500 bytes)
conformed 0 packets, 0 bytes; action:
exceeded 0 packets, 0 bytes; action:
conformed 0000 bps, exceeded 0000 bps
Priority: Strict, b/w exceed drops: 0
I am yet to try and see if the policy with the additional specific "police" command will work on the SPA, but is there any reason why it shouldn't ? We'd prefer to having a single set of child policies that will work on both cards, rather than maintaining another set just for the ES cards.
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