[c-nsp] redistribute bgp subnet

Dan Letkeman danletkeman at gmail.com
Wed Aug 14 22:25:48 EDT 2013


Excuse my ignorance, as this is my first time working with BGP outside of a

I am working on an ASR that is in use as a BGP peer to an ISP and also an
EIGRP neighbor to an internal network.  I have setup this router for
NAT/PAT and all is working well for the internal private subnets.  These
network are routed to the main public subnet based on the source ip range.

Now there is also a separate public IP subnet that is set aside for
customer use and is being advertised via BGP to the ISP.  What I would like
to do is route that subnet through the ASR to the customers site for use by

I'm sure this is very simple for most, but I'm not sure where to start.

Thanks for now.

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