[c-nsp] Cisco 6509 LACP

Mike Glass MGlass at lccountymt.gov
Fri Feb 8 15:25:35 EST 2013

I hope somebody can help me, I am trying to configure a 6509 as the passive receiver from a Dell Force10 10Ge switch with 2 sfp to 2 gig ports on our 6509 switch, I see LACP is up on both sides but cannot pass traffic, I have only 2 vlans that will carry across the aggregate link from our vmware boxes, this is just a temp until I get a 10ge in our 6509 chassis.
Attached is the config on both sides.
Make sense?
Cisco 6509 Config
interface GigabitEthernet6/7
 no ip address
 spanning-tree portfast
 switchport mode trunk
 channel-protocol lacp
 channel-group 1 mode passive
interface GigabitEthernet6/8
 no ip address
 spanning-tree portfast
 switchport mode trunk
 channel-protocol lacp
 channel-group 1 mode passive

interface Port-channel1
 description lacp Force10
 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
 Switchport mode trunk
 no ip address
 logging event link-status
show etherchannel detail
                Channel-group listing:
Group: 1
Group state = L2
Ports: 2   Maxports = 16
Port-channels: 1 Max Port-channels = 16
Protocol:   LACP
Minimum Links: 0
                Ports in the group:
Port: Gi6/7
Port state    = Up Mstr In-Bndl
Channel group = 1           Mode = Active      Gcchange = -
Port-channel  = Po1         GC   =   -         Pseudo port-channel = Po1
Port index    = 0           Load = 0x55        Protocol =   LACP
Flags:  S - Device is sending Slow LACPDUs   F - Device is sending fast LACPDUs.
        A - Device is in active mode.        P - Device is in passive mode.
Local information:
                            LACP port     Admin     Oper    Port        Port
Port      Flags   State     Priority      Key       Key     Number      State
Gi6/7     SA      bndl      32768         0x1       0x1     0x607       0x3D
Partner's information:
          Partner Partner   LACP Partner  Partner   Partner  Partner     Partner
Port      Flags   State     Port Priority Admin Key Oper Key Port Number Port State
Gi6/7     FA      bndl      32768         0x0       0x1      0xA5        0x3F
Age of the port in the current state: 0d:00h:08m:06s
Port: Gi6/8
Port state    = Up Mstr In-Bndl
Channel group = 1           Mode = Active      Gcchange = -
Port-channel  = Po1         GC   =   -         Pseudo port-channel = Po1
Port index    = 1           Load = 0xAA        Protocol =   LACP
Flags:  S - Device is sending Slow LACPDUs   F - Device is sending fast LACPDUs.
        A - Device is in active mode.        P - Device is in passive mode.
Local information:
                            LACP port     Admin     Oper    Port        Port
Port      Flags   State     Priority      Key       Key     Number      State
Gi6/8     SA      bndl      32768         0x1       0x1     0x608       0x3D
Partner's information:
          Partner Partner   LACP Partner  Partner   Partner  Partner     Partner
Port      Flags   State     Port Priority Admin Key Oper Key Port Number Port State
Gi6/8     FA      bndl      32768         0x0       0x1      0xA4        0x3F
Age of the port in the current state: 0d:00h:08m:06s
                Port-channels in the group:
Port-channel: Po1    (Primary Aggregator)
Age of the Port-channel   = 1d:01h:24m:05s
Logical slot/port   = 14/1          Number of ports = 2
Port state          = Port-channel Ag-Inuse
Protocol            =   LACP
Ports in the Port-channel:
Index   Load   Port     EC state        No of bits
  0     55     Gi6/7    Active    4
  1     AA     Gi6/8    Active    4
Force 10 Config
interface TenGigabitEthernet 0/24
 description LAG to VMWARE servers
 no ip address
 port-channel-protocol LACP
  port-channel 2 mode active
 no shutdown
interface TenGigabitEthernet 0/25
 description LAG to VMWARE servers
 no ip address
 port-channel-protocol LACP
  port-channel 2 mode active
 no shutdown

interface TenGigabitEthernet 0/34
 description LAG to Cisco 6905
 no ip address
 port-channel-protocol LACP
  port-channel 1 mode active
 no shutdown
interface TenGigabitEthernet 0/35
 description LAG to Cisco 6905
 no ip address
 port-channel-protocol LACP
  port-channel 1 mode active
 no shutdown
interface Port-channel 1
 description LAG to Cisco 6905
 no ip address
 no shutdown
interface Port-channel 2
 description LAG to VMWARE Servers
 no ip address
 no shutdown
interface Vlan 1
interface Vlan 2
 name VMWARE Data VLAN
 no ip address
 tagged Port-channel 1-2
 no shutdown
interface Vlan 4
 no ip address
 tagged Port-channel 1-2
 no shutdown

AIS-Prod-1#sh lacp 1
Port-channel 1 admin up, oper up, mode lacp
Actor   System ID:  Priority 32768, Address 0001.e88b.52b8
Partner System ID:  Priority 32768, Address 00d0.0345.8800
Actor Admin Key 1, Oper Key 1, Partner Oper Key 1
LACP LAG 1 is an aggregatable link
A - Active LACP, B - Passive LACP, C - Short Timeout, D - Long Timeout
E - Aggregatable Link, F - Individual Link, G - IN_SYNC, H - OUT_OF_SYNC
I - Collection enabled, J - Collection disabled, K - Distribution enabled
L - Distribution disabled, M - Partner Defaulted, N - Partner Non-defaulted,
O - Receiver is in expired state, P - Receiver is not in expired state
Port Te 0/34 is enabled, LACP is enabled and mode is lacp
  Actor   Admin: State ACEHJLMP Key 1 Priority 32768
           Oper: State ACEGIKNP Key 1 Priority 32768
  Partner Admin: State BDFHJLMP Key 0 Priority 0
           Oper: State ADEGIKNP Key 1 Priority 32768
Port Te 0/35 is enabled, LACP is enabled and mode is lacp
  Actor   Admin: State ACEHJLMP Key 1 Priority 32768
           Oper: State ACEGIKNP Key 1 Priority 32768
  Partner Admin: State BDFHJLMP Key 0 Priority 0
           Oper: State ADEGIKNP Key 1 Priority 32768
AIS-Prod-1#sh lacp 2
Port-channel 2 admin up, oper up, mode lacp
Actor   System ID:  Priority 32768, Address 0001.e88b.52b8
Partner System ID:  Priority 65535, Address ac16.2d73.1cdc
Actor Admin Key 2, Oper Key 2, Partner Oper Key 11
LACP LAG 2 is an aggregatable link
A - Active LACP, B - Passive LACP, C - Short Timeout, D - Long Timeout
E - Aggregatable Link, F - Individual Link, G - IN_SYNC, H - OUT_OF_SYNC
I - Collection enabled, J - Collection disabled, K - Distribution enabled
L - Distribution disabled, M - Partner Defaulted, N - Partner Non-defaulted,
O - Receiver is in expired state, P - Receiver is not in expired state
Port Te 0/24 is enabled, LACP is enabled and mode is lacp
  Actor   Admin: State ACEHJLMP Key 2 Priority 32768
           Oper: State ACEGIKNP Key 2 Priority 32768
  Partner Admin: State BDFHJLMP Key 0 Priority 0
           Oper: State ADEGIKNP Key 11 Priority 255
Port Te 0/25 is enabled, LACP is enabled and mode is lacp
  Actor   Admin: State ACEHJLMP Key 2 Priority 32768
           Oper: State ACEGIKNP Key 2 Priority 32768
  Partner Admin: State BDFHJLMP Key 0 Priority 0
           Oper: State ADEGIKNP Key 11 Priority 255

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