[c-nsp] Port-channel configuration "stickiness"...

A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk
Sat Jan 19 07:57:39 EST 2013


> Known bug?  Feature?  You can alter a port-channel configuration and
> expect it to propagate to the members, correct?

yes - changes to the port-channel are propagated to the members... if you do it the
other way around then the interface WONT match the port-channel and the link will go down.
(and if you only have a single member on that port-channel due to eg a link being currently
down then that could mean no service/access to the end of that link - classic chop
your feet off)

not seen your issue (ie ALWAYS add to the PoXX and seen the changes work..)


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