[c-nsp] 6500/Sup720-3BXL FIB TCAM tuning

Jon Lewis jlewis at lewis.org
Sun Jan 20 09:51:11 EST 2013

On Sat, 19 Jan 2013, Pete Templin wrote:

> I had a maintenance window this evening to upgrade a router and attempt to 
> tune the FIB TCAM to be ready for continued IPv4 growth beyond the 512k 
> default on this platform.  I'd apply the commands to tune the FIB TCAM, 
> reload, and upon reboot I'd have errors about a FIB Protocol Allocation 
> mismatch.  I'd tweak my numbers a bit (random guesses as to why I was 
> tripping this error), and re-check status, where I'd see this:
> Has anyone successfully tuned this, and if so could you share the software 
> version and tunings used? We're running advipservicesk9_wan-mz.122-33.SXJ2 if 
> that matters.

#sh mls cef maximum-routes
FIB TCAM maximum routes :
Current :-
  IPv4                - 600k
  MPLS                - 8k (default)
  IPv6 + IP Multicast - 208k (default)

That's just with "mls cef maximum-routes ip 600" on 122-33.SXI.

  Jon Lewis, MCP :)           |  I route
  Senior Network Engineer     |  therefore you are
  Atlantic Net                |
_________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________

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