[c-nsp] ASR A9K-8T-L certain ports limited to 8 Gbps.

bas kilobit at gmail.com
Wed Nov 20 05:12:31 EST 2013


On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 10:31 AM, Adam Vitkovsky <adam.vitkovsky at swan.sk>wrote:

> On Wednesday, November 20, 2013 01:15:36 AM McDonald Richards wrote:
> > What framing mode are you running and what is the underlying
> > transmission?
> >
> > I have seen this before on 10G circuits running in wanphy mode and the
> > only fix was to get better transmission (ie. not an STM-64c) and run
> > lanphy :)


Thanks, but it isn't WAN-PHY

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:ams-5345#show controllers wanphy 0/0/0/2 all
Wed Nov 20 10:58:43.952 CET
Interface: wanphy0/0/0/2
Configuration Mode: LAN Mode
Operational Mode: LAN Mode

I'm starting to think one of the A9K-8T-L cards is messing about on the
fabric signalling, or some funky QoS bug somewhere.

Interesting that only couple of the 3 upstream ports have this issue
> Are these ports in a bundle?

No, none are in a bundle.
There are cases when an ECMP egress path is fine on one, and limited to 8
on another interface.

> Or maybe some pushback is going on that's not related to the box

I don't think so, paths are ebgp upstreams, but also ibgp peering boxes.
One interface is afftected and another is not to the same egress path.

Thanks if anyone has other clues where to look.


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