[c-nsp] Adjusting TCAM allocation weird behavior on 7600

Pete Templin petelists at templin.org
Thu Aug 7 11:51:48 EDT 2014

On 8/6/2014 7:18 PM, Rod James Bio wrote:
> BUT "remote command switch show mls cef max", I see:
> FIB TCAM maximum routes :
> =======================
> Current :-
> -------
>  IPv4 + MPLS         - 512k (default)
>  IPv6 + IP Multicast - 256k (default)
> Could this mean that the two sups are not sync? Here is the output of 
> show redundancy states:

Is there a way with "remote command" to run a command on the standby SP 
(in other words, the supervisor, not the MSFC)?  If so, do 'remote 
command standby-sp show bootvar' and check the config register on the 
other sup.  I'm ready to start betting dollars that it's 0x0, or some 
other setting that causes it to boot and hand over control to the RP 
like usual BUT prevents it from reading the configuration during its 
boot.  This is causing the standby SP to have a mismatch with the 
standby RP.

Regardless of the outcome of the above, I'd truly recommend you do this 

conf t
config-register 0x2102
copy run start

Then reboot at your next opportunity and tell us what you get.


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