[c-nsp] Spantree .1Q packets received on non-trunk port.

Brielle Bruns bruns at 2mbit.com
Tue Aug 26 22:55:19 EDT 2014

On 8/26/14 7:34 PM, Lee Starnes wrote:
> Thanks Mike.
> That took care of the problem, but still not sure why I would have to set
> the port up as a trunk port when the handoff is an access port. When the
> carrier tested the port, they tested it as an access port and then tried to
> test it as a trunk port and their test set failed when in trunk mode. Very
> odd.
> Anyway, thanks again.

Aren't BPDU's normally part of STP's chatter?

I get errors like that when my MSTP instance settings are mismatched 
between switches.   Perhaps its a mix of issues.

Brielle Bruns
The Summit Open Source Development Group
http://www.sosdg.org    /     http://www.ahbl.org

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