[c-nsp] ARP on ASR9k 4.3.2

Dmitry Valdov dv at dv.ru
Tue Feb 18 23:55:08 EST 2014

On Wed, 19 Feb 2014, Mark Tinka wrote:

>> Reload SMU or full image or power on.
>> It is time needed to reload a box..
> Well, physically, there is less hardware to deal with in the
> ASR9001, so perhaps that could be it.
> Part of the reasons - or so I'm told - IOS XR (and its
> SMU's) take a while to load is because a lot of all that
> work has to go to/reload parts of the hardware depending on
> the update.

No, it doesn't depend on an update itself, if you have "reload" type of SMU.
It takes long time because it loads RSP(s) first, and once it completed it 
starts to load linecard(s) which have separate copy of IOS XR running ot them.
It loads all linecards at the same time, so reloading of 9001 or 9010 takes
almost the same time.

But if you have "Hitless" or "Traffic loss" SMU's, it won't reload the box,
it just does processes restart on all cards and may be fast reset some

Dmitry Valdov
CCIE #15379 (R&S and SP)

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