[c-nsp] why there are no plans for A903-RSP2B-240 please?????

Vitkovský Adam adam.vitkovsky at swan.sk
Wed Jul 23 05:04:05 EDT 2014

> From: Mark Tinka [mailto:mark.tinka at seacom.mu]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2014 11:02 PM
> > LFA yes. No rLFA support as far as I know.
> None in general, in Junos (the way we know it in Cisco, anyway).
> In Junos, rLFA can be manually configured across a TE tunnel, and running LFA
> on that tunnel. Not dynamic, but achieves the same thing. 

Nah I could live with manual rLFA (it's the way we've been doing it on XR when there was no support for rLFA). 
On the other hand it would involve enabling TE on me3600 along with the rLFA and stuff which might be like opening the Pandora box. 

> I've been asking for dynamically-signaled LDP tunnels for rLFA on Junos, but
> it's like pulling teeth. 

Oh I can imagine. 
And one can only wish it I'll get there involving no major bugs. 


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