[c-nsp] Basic BGP Cisco Router

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at seacom.mu
Mon May 26 02:59:54 EDT 2014

On Monday, May 26, 2014 08:39:45 AM Andrew Miehs wrote:

> Thats actually a pretty cool idea! I keep forgetting that
> the thing exists. Although - however, once I start
> looking at software routers, I really wonder whether it
> wouldn't be just as effective running a competing
> product or even open source....
> Will need to ponder on that....


Well, with CSR1000v, you well-made (to a measure of degree) 
routing software that is 100% identical to what you'd run on 
an ASR1000, without the ESP, RP and SIP hardware bits.

I hear good things about Vyatta, but if you like IS-IS like 
me, Quagga/Zebra aren't there yet.

I've never used BIRD, but exchange point operators love it.

Juniper have a VM-based Junos as well, as do other platforms 
at Cisco (IOS XRv, NX-OSv, e.t.c.).

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