[c-nsp] ME3600X IPv6 ND Control & Data Plane Problems

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at seacom.mu
Sat Feb 28 20:24:21 EST 2015

On 28/Feb/15 19:38, Nick Hilliard wrote:
> On 28/02/2015 13:17, Mark Tinka wrote:
>>         Once the IPv6 ACL is re-applied, subsequent ND exchanges and
>> data plane IPv6 traffic works. If the switch reboots or the ND cache is
>> cleared, the problem resurfaces.
> I wonder is this a screwup with the implicit ND permit?  Do your ipv6 ACLs
> contain explicit denys at the end?  If so, you'll need something like this
> before the end:
> permit icmp any any nd-ns
> permit icmp any any nd-na
> Easy to check if this fixes the problem.  You might want to add a
> destination address of fe80::/16 to the filter to make sure that you don't
> open up a security hole.

This is the ACL:

 ipv6 access-list filter-outgoing6
 deny ipv6 any 3FFE::/16
 deny ipv6 any 2001:DB8::/32
 deny ipv6 any FE00::/9
 deny ipv6 any FF00::/8
 sequence 65535 permit ipv6 any any

Very, very simple.

I have the exact same ACL on the the other Cisco platforms mentioned,
and ND works perfectly.

I was considering punching extra holes in this ACL for the ME3600X, but
I'm curious why this hardware-software combination differs from other
Cisco platforms.

> is this box definitely running either 15.4(3)S1 or 15.3(3)S4 or later?
> This is to rule out CSCuo31527, which I've been bitten with extensively.

15.4(3)S1 confirmed with "show version".

Just for giggles, I'm going to re-run the software upgrade in case it
did not commit "correctly" :-\.


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