[c-nsp] ASR9001 doesn't send log messages

Jordi Magrané Roig jordimagrane at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 20 07:32:38 EST 2015

Dear colleagues,

I have an ASR9001-S with IOS XR 5.1.3. I have configured the router to send the log messages to a syslog server with the following configuration:

logging trap debugging
logging buffered debugging
logging vrf MGMT severity debugging
logging source-interface Lo20 vrf MGMT

interface Loopback20
 description Mgmt in-band
 vrf MGMT
 ipv4 address

The router has ping with the syslog server and the server firewall permit the packets. I have put a tcpdump sniffing packets but I don't see any syslog packet.

Are there missing commands that I have to configure?

Is it a bug?

I have the same problem with the configuration backup. I have configured:

configuration commit auto-save filename tftp://
tftp client vrf MGMT source-interface Loopback20

Best regards,


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