[c-nsp] SFP/Transceiver Issue

Tim Rayner Tim.Rayner at aarnet.edu.au
Tue Sep 8 05:39:40 EDT 2015

Hi Mahammed,

Looks like you're receiving far too much optical power on Te2/8/1.  At +2.6dBm, you will be overloading the receiver on any type of optic. That is what the "++" is warning you about. Typically ZR class optics transmit at between +0 and +3 or +5 dBm, and can receive from -7 or -8 dBm down to -23dBm.

I suggest you need a 10dB attenuator on the RX side of Te2/8/1.  If you don't have one of those, you could try leaving an air-gap of a few mm - ie. only half plug it in, or bending the patch lead until the link comes up...  The proper way is with the attenuator - the other methods are just things to try - to confirm that your problem is too much receive power on Te2/8/1.  You probably want the same attenuator in the other direction, though its harder to be definitive when the Rx power is listed as N/A !

I have seen some links work for a while with too much receive power, then stop working - which is the symptom that you describe.

Good Luck with it!



Tim Rayner
Optical Engineer, AARNet Pty Ltd
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t. +61 2 6222 3575     f. +61 2 6222 3535     e. Tim.Rayner at aarnet.edu.au
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Network Faults (24x7): 1300 APL NOC (1300 275 662) or noc at aarnet.edu.au

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From: cisco-nsp [cisco-nsp-bounces at puck.nether.net] on behalf of Mohammad Khalil [eng_mssk at hotmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, 8 September 2015 7:26 PM
To: cisco-nsp at puck.nether.net
Subject: [c-nsp] SFP/Transceiver Issue

Hi all

I am trying to connect a link between my 6509 box and N5K box

The link was functioning well , but now it is never up

I have tried to change the SFP with no luck

Please check below

HQ-UM-CORE-VSS#show int Te2/8/1 transceiver
Transceiver monitoring is disabled for all interfaces.

ITU Channel not available (Wavelength not available),
Transceiver is internally calibrated.
If device is externally calibrated, only calibrated values are printed.
++ : high alarm, +  : high warning, -  : low warning, -- : low alarm.
NA or N/A: not applicable, Tx: transmit, Rx: receive.
mA: milliamperes, dBm: decibels (milliwatts).

                                         Optical   Optical
            Temperature  Voltage  Current   Tx Power  Rx Power
Port        (Celsius)    (Volts)  (mA)      (dBm)     (dBm)
----------  -----------  -------  --------  --------  --------
Te2/8/1       28.8       0.00      69.2 --    1.6       2.6 ++

HQ-UM-N5K-B# show int ethernet 1/1 transceiver
    transceiver is present
    type is 10Gbase-(unknown)
    name is CISCO-FUJITSU
    part number is FIM35050/203
    revision is 0001
    serial number is FLJ1708K03G
    nominal bitrate is 11100 MBit/sec
    Link length supported for 9/125um fiber is 80 km
    cisco id is --
    cisco extended id number is 4

HQ-UM-CORE-VSS#show int tenGigabitEthernet 2/8/1 transceiver detail
Transceiver monitoring is disabled for all interfaces.

ITU Channel not available (Wavelength not available),
Transceiver is internally calibrated.
mA: milliamperes, dBm: decibels (milliwatts), NA or N/A: not applicable.
++ : high alarm, +  : high warning, -  : low warning, -- : low alarm.
A2D readouts (if they differ), are reported in parentheses.
The threshold values are calibrated.

                            High Alarm  High Warn  Low Warn   Low Alarm
           Temperature         Threshold   Threshold  Threshold  Threshold
Port       (Celsius)          (Celsius)   (Celsius)  (Celsius)  (Celsius)
---------- ------------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Te2/8/1      33.2                74.0        70.0         0.0       -4.0

                            High Alarm  High Warn  Low Warn   Low Alarm
            Voltage            Threshold   Threshold  Threshold  Threshold
Port        (Volts)            (Volts)     (Volts)    (Volts)    (Volts)
----------  ---------------    ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Te2/8/1     0.00                   N/A         N/A         N/A        N/A

                            High Alarm  High Warn  Low Warn   Low Alarm
            Current            Threshold   Threshold  Threshold  Threshold
Port        (milliamperes)     (mA)        (mA)       (mA)       (mA)
----------  -----------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Te2/8/1      69.3         --     N/A        N/A        N/A       N/A

            Optical            High Alarm  High Warn  Low Warn   Low Alarm
            Transmit Power     Threshold   Threshold  Threshold  Threshold
Port        (dBm)              (dBm)       (dBm)      (dBm)      (dBm)
----------  -----------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Te2/8/1       1.6                 7.9         3.9         0.0       -4.0

            Optical            High Alarm  High Warn  Low Warn   Low Alarm
            Receive Power      Threshold   Threshold  Threshold  Threshold
Port        (dBm)              (dBm)       (dBm)      (dBm)      (dBm)
----------  -----------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Te2/8/1       2.7         ++     -3.0        -7.0       -24.0      -28.2


HQ-UM-N5K-B# show int eth1/1 transceiver details
    transceiver is present
    type is 10Gbase-(unknown)
    name is CISCO-FUJITSU
    part number is FIM35050/203
    revision is 0001
    serial number is FLJ1708K03G
    nominal bitrate is 11100 MBit/sec
    Link length supported for 9/125um fiber is 80 km
    cisco id is --
    cisco extended id number is 4

           SFP Detail Diagnostics Information (internal calibration)
                Current              Alarms                  Warnings
                Measurement     High        Low         High          Low
  Temperature   59.88 C        75.00 C     -5.00 C     70.00 C        0.00 C
  Voltage        3.24 V         3.63 V      2.97 V      3.46 V        3.13 V
  Current       78.10 mA      105.00 mA    35.00 mA    98.00 mA      42.00 mA
  Tx Power        1.70 dBm       6.99 dBm   -4.00 dBm    3.99 dBm      0.00 dBm
  Rx Power        N/A     --   -3.00 dBm     N/A       -7.01 dBm    -26.98 dBm
  Note: ++  high-alarm; +  high-warning; --  low-alarm; -  low-warning

  *** SFP diagnostics data may be invalid!  ***

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