[c-nsp] ASR 1004: Adding T3 Card to LNS Router
dominic at broadconnect.ca
Thu Sep 17 13:26:29 EDT 2015
1. I installed a new channelized T3 card on an ASR1004. The router is
already being used as an LNS terminating PPPOE connections, and we just want
to migrate some T1 circuits to the same device.
2. When a T1 interface is brought up, however, I keep seeing the below
error on the log:
Sep 17 13:03:38 RT2 2258: Sep 17 13:03:38: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface
Serial0/0/2/1:0, changed state to up
Sep 17 13:03:39 RT2 2259: Sep 17 13:03:38: %FMANRP_ESS-4-FULLVAI: Session
creation failed due to Full Virtual-Access Interfaces not being supported.
Check that all applied Virtual-Template and RADIUS features support
Virtual-Access sub-interfaces. swidb= 0x7F19F122C5D0, ifnum= 350
Sep 17 13:03:40 RT2 2260: Sep 17 13:03:38: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP0/0: Interface
Serial0/0/2/1:0, changed state to up
3. The above errors notwithstanding, the t1 interface appears to come up:
RT2#sh ip int brief | inc Serial0/0/2/1:0
Serial0/0/2/1:0 YES manual up
4. However, although the interface is apparently up, its IP does not appear
in the routing table, and I am unable to ping even the other end of the T1
link! I have combed through the config, and I don't see how this could
possibly be a routing protocol issue.
RT2#sh ip route
% Subnet not in table
5. Now, the IP on the remote end of the link does show up in the routing
table. However, it appears to be attached to some virtual interface cloned
from the virtual template:
RT2#sh ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "connected", distance 0, metric 0 (connected, via interface)
Redistributing via eigrp 12125
Advertised by eigrp 12125
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
* directly connected, via Virtual-Access44
Route metric is 0, traffic share count is 1
#show run int Virtual-Access44
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 143 bytes
interface Virtual-Access44
mtu 1492
no ip address
no ip redirects
ip mtu 1492
ip tcp adjust-mss 1380
no logging event link-status
Would anyone know what's going on here . why this weird behavior for a
simple t1 interface, and why is the serial interface cloning from the pppoe
Some config elements below:
T1 Config
RT2#show run int Serial0/0/2/1:0
interface Serial0/0/2/1:0
ip address
encapsulation ppp
sgbp group bondadsl
sgbp member RT1 x.x.x.x
virtual-profile virtual-template 1
multilink virtual-template 1
multilink bundle-name authenticated
vpdn enable
vpdn multihop
vpdn logging
vpdn logging user
vpdn logging tunnel-drop
vpdn history failure table-size 50
vpdn-group nexxia-ADSL
! Default L2TP VPDN group
protocol l2tp
virtual-template 1
lcp renegotiation always
l2tp tunnel password 7 xxxx
ip pmtu
ip mtu adjust
interface Virtual-Template1
description nexxia-ADSL-STATIC
mtu 1492
ip unnumbered x.x.x.x
no ip redirects
no ip proxy-arp
ip verify unicast reverse-path
ip tcp adjust-mss 1380
no logging event link-status
no peer default ip address
ppp mtu adaptive
ppp authentication pap chap ispVPDN
ppp authorization ispVPDN
ppp accounting ispVPDN
ppp ipcp dns x.x.x.x x.x.x.x
ppp multilink
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