[c-nsp] EEM not triggering on IOS-XE 3.11.1S

Stephen Fulton sf at lists.esoteric.ca
Mon Jan 18 11:45:34 EST 2016

Hi all,

I'm working on an EEM script which is triggered by an IP SLA down state 
on an ASR1000 running IOS-XE 3.11.1S.  While the IP SLA entry detects 
the state properly, the EEM does not trigger.  I'm not finding anything 
relevant on the bug toolkit, and I am not seeing anything with my Google-fu.

Here's the configuration:

ip sla 1
  icmp-echo source-ip
  vrf GREEN
  frequency 5
ip sla schedule 1 life forever start-time now
event manager applet SITE-DOWN
  description Site is down
  event ipsla operation-id 1
  action 1.0 syslog priority critical msg "ALERT: Site is down"

And here is what I see when I look the status of the IP SLA entry and 
the EEM entry.  IP SLA looks fine, the EEM isn't triggering despite 
being registered.

rtr5#sh ip sla statistics 1
IPSLAs Latest Operation Statistics

IPSLA operation id: 1
	Latest RTT: NoConnection/Busy/Timeout
Latest operation start time: 11:42:21 EST Mon Jan 18 2016
Latest operation return code: Timeout
Number of successes: 0
Number of failures: 301
Operation time to live: Forever
rtr5#sh event manager policy registered
No.  Class     Type    Event Type          Trap  Time Registered 
1    applet    user    ipsla               Off   Mon Jan 18 11:24:46 
  operation-id {1}
  maxrun 20.000
  action 1.0 syslog priority critical msg "ALERT: Site is down"
rtr5sh event manager statistics policy

                                        Average        Maximum
No.  Class     Triggered   Suppressed  Run Time       Run Time       Name
1    applet    0           0           0.000          0.000 
  event {} ipsla

Any ideas?  I'm at a loss at this point.  Upgrading to a newer version 
of IOS-XE is in the cards, but won't happen immediately.


-- Stephen

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