[c-nsp] ASR920 stops routing unexpectedly

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at seacom.mu
Wed May 11 15:49:45 EDT 2016

On 11/May/16 13:47, CiscoNSP List wrote:

> Hmm…If memory serves correct, Marks issue may have been on the ME3600(ISIS issue), not the ASR920…..Ill confirm tomorrow

Yep, Jason had the same issue. But that was on the ME3600X/3800X.

The fix for that is expected later in the year, even though Cisco have
know about it for 3 years. They never did anything about it because
there was no customer pressure to fix it (most people seem to use these
boxes as MPLS termination points, and not as IP routers like we and some
others do).


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