[c-nsp] ASR9001 Vs ASR1006

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at seacom.mu
Sat May 14 15:24:48 EDT 2016

On 14/May/16 18:59, Satish Patel wrote:

> We have only ethernet termination from ISP multiple 10G fibers and all
> ethernet technologies running  (no TDM, Frame Relay etc). We are
> running BGP, QoS, ACL and Netflow.
> Which router i should pick between these two, my sales person said use
> ASR9001 which is more popular in market and very less people using
> ASR1006.

To be honest, both platforms can be Ethernet-centric (more favour toward
the ASR9001, though).

The main difference is that the ASR9001 gets a lot of forwarding
performance in a 2U platform that you might be need an ASR1006-X,
ASR1009-X or ASR1013 for.

But most importantly, if you require high-touch services such as NAT,
Firewalling, IPSec, e.t.c., then the ASR1000 is a better fit than the


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