[c-nsp] Intelligent Bandwidth Management

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at seacom.mu
Tue Jun 6 00:35:33 EDT 2017

On 6/5/17 8:00 PM, Ray Van Dolson wrote:

> How many of you have successfully displaced your MPLS circuits for
> VoIP/video with SD-WAN?

Even if we run an MPLS network, we focus on selling plain-old IP to
customers. Being a fairly young network, we've come in when cloud is
happening. So a good number of our customers have been dropping their
l3vpn services in favor of IP to get to cloud-based services for e-mail,
storage, backup, e.t.c. Dropping the on-premise servers that did this
for them means they don't need l3vpn's anymore.

The next phase is the SD-WAN approach, where we are seeing lots of
interest, and perhaps, expect one or two customers to bite this year.


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