[c-nsp] Cisco 8000

James Jun james at towardex.com
Thu Dec 12 09:17:32 EST 2019

On Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 02:11:44PM +0000, Drew Weaver wrote:
> I don't know. 
> I think the 8201 is what the 9901 should have been as far as hardware, or even the 9901 should've been 36x100GE.
> I guess it's possible they could release a fixed 99xx that has a sane port configuration.

I agree that ASR-9901 (Starlord) was not the strong response the market was looking for from Cisco, but they had to go to war with what they had available at the time (Tomahawk/EZchip NP). This meant MX204 competition with twice the HW footprint, much higher power draw, etc :-p

They should have named Starlord "9001-E" or "9001-X" instead of using the 9901 name.  I guess the next Lightspeed-based fixed/small A99 box will just have to be called between 9901 and 9904 (lol).

But product line up wise, may be someone from Cisco can confirm, but based on conversations we've had with our representatives, 8000 isn't replacing ASR9K.  They are for different areas of the network or use cases, much like QFX10k/PE chip PTX boxes aren't replacing MX series on Juniper land either anytime soon.


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