[c-nsp] XRv (eve-ng)

Aaron Gould aaron1 at gvtc.com
Wed Jun 5 10:28:21 EDT 2019

Have you all been able to use EVE-NG ?  My gosh, what an awesome emulator.


I have eve-ng running…






(this might end up being a much larger topic)  BTW, Why does Juniper do what appears to be such a better job with CP/FP (control plane/forwarding plane) separation ?  I’m speaking about XR and Junos and also how clean Junos vMX seems to be done as I work with it in EVE-NG when compared to XRv.


XRv is still one node.


vMX is 2 nodes… VCP and VFP.


Also, in XRv I can’t add martini-type access pw’s into an l2vpn nor can I add routing on a BVI….. but, conversely I can do all those things in vMX


As nice as XR(v) is, it still seems to be playing catch-up to (v)MX.  Is this true in your mind ?


Stepping away from the eve-ng emulator for a moment, over the years of working with XR I was so pleased with how it improved upon classic IOS…. But then I began working with Junos a few years ago, and wow, it seemed to take routing os to a whole other level than XR did… again, this could be in my head, but curious what others think, IF, you have actually done enough work on both platforms to know enough to speak to it.





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